社会工程学 ======================================== OSINT ---------------------------------------- - `osint `_ - `osint git `_ - `OSINT-Collection `_ - `trape `_ - `Photon `_ - `pockint `_ 社交工具 ---------------------------------------- - `SlackPirate `_ Slack Enumeration and Extraction Tool - extract sensitive information from a Slack Workspace - `twint `_ An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool 个人搜索 ---------------------------------------- - `pipl `_ - `hunter `_ - `EagleEye `_ - `LinkedInt `_ - `sherlock `_ - `email enum `_ - `Sreg `_ - `usersearch `_ - `User Searcher `_ User-Searcher is a powerful and free tool to help you search username in 2000+ websites. Hacking database ---------------------------------------- - `GHDB `_ - `have i been pwned `_ 钓鱼 ---------------------------------------- - `spoofcheck `_ - `gophish `_ - `SocialFish `_ - `HFish `_ A Most Convenient Honeypot Platform - `blackeye `_ complete Phishing Tool, with 32 templates +1 customizable - `king phisher `_ Phishing Campaign Toolkit - `espoofer `_ An email spoofing testing tool that aims to bypass SPF/DKIM/DMARC and forge DKIM signatures - `ditto `_ A tool for IDN homograph attacks and detection - `SiteCopy `_ sitecopy is a tool that facilitates personal website backup and network data collection - `goblin `_ 一款适用于红蓝对抗中的仿真钓鱼系统 squatting ---------------------------------------- - `dnstwist `_ Domain name permutation engine for detecting homograph phishing attacks, typo squatting, and brand impersonation 网盘搜索 ---------------------------------------- - `虫部落 `_ - `盘多多 `_ - `Infinite Panc `_ 密码猜测 ---------------------------------------- - `OMEN `_ Ordered Markov ENumerator - Password Guesser - `genpAss `_ 伪造 ---------------------------------------- - `email_hack `_ 基于 Python 伪造电子邮件发件人 综合框架 ---------------------------------------- - `theHarvester `_ - `Th3inspector `_ - `ReconDog `_