审计工具 ======================================== 通用 ---------------------------------------- - `Cobra `_ - `Semmle QL `_ - `Sourcetrail `_ free and open-source cross-platform source explorer - `trivy `_ A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers, Suitable for CI - `fortify `_ - `joern `_ Open-source code analysis platform for C/C++/Java/Binary/Javascript based on code property graphs PHP ---------------------------------------- - `RIPS `_ - `prvd `_ - `phpvulhunter `_ - `chip `_ a simple tool to detect potential security threat in php code Python ---------------------------------------- - `pyvulhunter `_ - `pyt `_ Java ---------------------------------------- - `find sec bugs `_ - `Gadget Inspector `_ A byte code analyzer for finding deserialization gadget chains in Java applications JavaScript ---------------------------------------- - `NodeJsScan `_ 供应链 ---------------------------------------- - `Dependency-Track `_ is an intelligent Supply Chain Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk from the use of third-party and open source components