常见术语 ======================================== 系统相关 ---------------------------------------- - WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) 网络相关 ---------------------------------------- 网络协议 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 轻型目录访问协议 (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, LDAP) - 标识名 (Distinguished Name, DN) - 相对标识名 (Relative Distinguished Name, RDN) - 服务器消息块 (Server Message Block, SMB) - 网络文件共享系统 (Common Internet File System, CIFS) - SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - 简单网络管理协议 (Simple Network Management Protocol, SNMP) - POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) - IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol) - HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) - HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer) - 动态主机配置协议 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, DHCP) - 远程过程调用 (Remote Procedure Call, RPC) - Java调试线协议 (Java Debug Wire Protocol, JDWP) - 网络文件系统 (Network File System, NFS) - 服务主体名称 (Service Principal Names, SPN) - 简单身份验证 (Simple Authentication and Security Layer, SASL) - 链路本地多播名称解析 (Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution, LLMNR) 路由系统 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 自治系统 (Autonomous System, AS) - 内部网关协议 (Interior Gateway Protocol, IGP) - 外部网关协议 (External Gateway Protocol, EGP) - 域内路由选择 (interdomain routing) - 域间路由选择 (intradomain routing) - 路由信息协议 (Routing Information Protocol, RIP) - 开放最短路径优先 (Open Shortest Path First, OSPF) - 动态路由协议 (Dynamic Routing Protocols, DRP) - 首跳冗余性协议 (First Hop Redundancy Protocols, FHRP) - 热备份路由器协议 (Hot Standby Router Protocol, HSRP) - 虚拟路由冗余协议 (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, VRRP) - 网关负载均衡协议 (Gateway Load Balancing Protocol, GLBP) - 网络地址转换 (Network Address Translation, NAT) - 点对点协议 (Point-to-Point Protocol, PPP) - 生成树协议 (Spanning Tree Protocol, STP) - QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) 网络应用 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 证书透明度 (Certificate Transparency, CT) - DNS证书颁发机构授权 (DNS Certification Authority Authorization, CAA) - 应用级网关 (Application Level Gateway, ALG) Kerberos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 密钥分发中心 (Key Distribution Center, KDC) - 认证服务器 (Authentication Server, AS) - 票据授权服务器 (Ticket Granting Server, TGS) 开发相关 ---------------------------------------- - REST (Representation State Transformation) 安全相关 ---------------------------------------- - 缺点 (defect / mistake) - 软件在实现上和设计上的弱点 - 缺点是缺陷和瑕疵的统称 - 缺陷 (bug) - 实现层面的软件缺点 - 容易被发现和修复 - 例如:缓冲区溢出 - 瑕疵 (flaw) - 一种设计上的缺点,难以察觉 - 瑕疵往往需要人工分析才能发现 - 软件系统中错误处理或恢复模块,导致程序不安全或失效 - 漏洞 (vulnerability) - 可以用于违反安全策略的缺陷或瑕疵 - 交互式应用程序安全测试 (Interactive Application Security Testing, IAST) - 动态应用程序安全测试 (Dynamic Application Security Testing, DAST) - 静态应用程序安全测试 (Static Application Security Testing, SAST) - ATT&CK™ (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge, ATT&CK) - 横向移动 (Lateral Movement) 安全开发 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 安全信息和事件管理 (Security Information Event Management, SIEM) - 自动化响应SOAR模型 (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response, SOAR) - SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) 安全策略 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 跨域资源共享策略 (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, CORS) - 发件人策略框架 (Sender Policy Framework, SPF) - 域名密钥识别邮件 (DomainKeys Identified Mail, DKIM) - 基于域名的消息认证报告与一致性协议 (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance, DMARC) - DNSSEC (The Domain Name System Security Extensions) - 基于DNS的命名实体身份验证 (DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities, DANE) 安全模型 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 构建安全成熟度模型 (Building Security In Maturity Model, BSIMM) 攻击相关 ---------------------------------------- 漏洞类型 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 跨站脚本攻击 (Cross Site Scripting, XSS) - 跨站请求伪造 (Cross-Site Request Forgery, CSRF) - 中间人攻击 (Man-in-the-middle, MITM) - 服务端请求伪造 (Server Side Request Forgery, SSRF) - 高级持续威胁 (Advanced Persistent Threat, APT) - 远程命令执行 (Remote Command Execute, RCE) - 远程代码执行 (Remote Code Execute, RCE) - 带外数据 (Out-Of-Band, OOB) 攻击方式 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 鱼叉攻击 (Spear Phishing) - 水坑攻击 (Water Holing) - 分布式拒绝服务 (Distributed Denial of Service, DDoS) 防御相关 ---------------------------------------- - IoC (Indicators of Compromise) 防御技术 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 网络检测响应 (Network-based Detection and Response, NDR) - 终端检测响应 (Endpoint Detection and Response, EDR) - 托管检测响应 (Managed Detection and Response, MDR) - 扩展检测响应 (Extended Detection and Response, XDR) - 自适应安全架构 (Adaptive Security Architecture, ASA) - 零信任网络访问 (Zero Trust Network Access, ZTNA) - 云安全配置管理 (Cloud Security Posture Management, CSPM) 防护设施 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 入侵检测系统 (Intrusion Detection System, IDS) - 主机型入侵检测系统 (Host-based Intrusion Detection System, HIDS) - 主机入侵防御系统 (Host Intrusion Prevent System, HIPS) - RASP (Runtime Application Self-protection) - 统一端点管理 (Unified Endpoint Management, UEM) 运维 ---------------------------------------- - 智能运维 (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations, AIOps) - 风险和脆弱性评估 (Risk and Vulnerability Assessments, RVA) - 计算机安全应急响应组 (Computer Emergency Response Team, CERT) 认证 ---------------------------------------- - 单点登录 (Single Sign-On, SSO) - 双因素认证 (Two-Factor Authentication, 2FA) - 多因素认证 (Multi-Factor Authentication, MFA) - 一次性密码 (One-Time Password, OTP) Kerbose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 认证服务器 (Authentication Server, AS) - 密钥分发中心 (Key Distribution Center, KDC) - 票据授权票据,票据的票据 (Ticket Granting Ticket, TGT) - 票据授权服务器 (Ticket Granting Server, TGS) - 特定服务提供端 (Service Server, SS) 可信计算 ---------------------------------------- - 可信平台模块 (Trusted Platform Module, TPM) 云 ---------------------------------------- 容器 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 容器运行时 (Container Runtime Interface, CRI) - 开放容器标准 (Open Container Initiative, OCI) - 开放容器格式标准 (Open Container Format, OCF) 计算 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 弹性云计算 (Elastic Compute Cloud, EC2) - 阿里云弹性云计算 (Elastic Compute Service, ECS) - 云服务器 (Cloud Virtual Machine, CVM) 存储 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 简单存储服务 (Simple Storage Service, S3) - 对象存储 (Cloud Object Storage, COS) XaaS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 函数即服务 (Function as a Service, FaaS) - 容器即服务 (Container as a Service, CaaS) - 软件即服务 (Software as a Service, SaaS) - 平台即服务 (Platform as a Service, PaaS) - 基础设施即服务 (Insfrastructure as a Service, IaaS) 特定平台 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) 其他服务 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 元数据服务 (Instance Metadata Service, IMDS) - 持续集成 (Continuous Integration, CI) - 持续交付 (Continuous Deployment, CD) - 边缘计算机器 (Edge Computing Machine, ECM)