参考链接 ======================================== Windows ---------------------------------------- - `Windows 威胁防护 `_ - `Windows内网渗透提权 `_ - `文件寄生 NTFS文件流实际应用 `_ - `Windows中常见后门持久化方法总结 `_ - `LOLBAS `_ - `渗透技巧——Windows单条日志的删除 `_ - `windows取证 文件执行记录的获取和清除 `_ - `Getting DNS Client Cached Entries with CIM/WMI `_ - `Windows单机Persistence `_ - `Dumping RDP Credentials `_ 域渗透 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `绕过域账户登录失败次数的限制 `_ - `域渗透总结 `_ - `got domain admin on internal network `_ - Mitigating Pass-the-Hash (PtH) Attacks and Other Credential Theft Techniques `_ - `域渗透学习笔记 `_ - `QOMPLX Knowledge: Fundamentals of Active Directory Trust Relationships `_ - `Kerberos的黄金票据详解 `_ - `DCShadow explained: A technical deep dive into the latest AD attack technique `_ - `Active Directory Security `_ - `Kerberos AD Attacks Kerberoasting `_ - `Kerberos之域内委派攻击 `_ - `adsec `_ An introduction to Active Directory security - `Attacking Active Directory `_ RedTeam ---------------------------------------- - `RedTeamManual `_ 内网 ---------------------------------------- - `内网安全检查 `_ - `我所知道的内网渗透 `_ - `从零开始内网渗透学习 `_ - `渗透技巧 从Github下载安装文件 `_ - `An introduction to privileged file operation abuse on Windows `_ - `脚本维权tips `_ Cobalt Strike ---------------------------------------- - `Cobalt Strike 系列笔记 `_ - `渗透利器Cobalt Strike 第2篇 APT级的全面免杀与企业纵深防御体系的对抗 `_